Consistete consistomater consistomater (vebe) consistomaterer vebe
Product Description CONSISTOMETER Vebe Testing Machine HCY-A Mixture Digital Display VeBe consistometerThis instrument is used to determine the Vebe consistency of concrete mixtures. It is used to evaluate the concrete slump of concrete mixture within 10mm, the maximum particle size of aggregate is 40mm, which meets the national standard of GBJ80-85.Technical Parameters:1. ʻO ka hoʻololi pinepineʻana: 50 ± 3hz2. : 0.22KW 380v3. ʻAʻohe mea hanaʻole-ukana: 0.5 ± 0.1mm -
ʻO ka mīkini hoʻokūkū hoʻokūkū a me ka mīkini hōʻike
Product Description HDM-18 concrete slow-speed freeze-thaw test box/Freeze Thaw Cabinet According to the slow freezing method in the national standard GB / T50082-2009 'Test method for long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete', and the method of the 'concrete slow freezing and thawing test equipment' method in the construction industry standard JG / T23-2009, our company developed A new generation o ka hoʻokuʻuʻana i nā mīkini hoʻokolohua wikiwiki i hoʻokuʻuʻia ... -
ʻO nā mea hana hana hana hanaʻo Labora
Product Description laboratory concrete permeability instrument The concrete impermeability instrument is suitable for construction enterprises, scientific research institutions, design and construction departments. Komo i ke anaʻana a me ka noiʻi noiʻiʻana i ka hana paʻahana. I ka manawa like, hiki i ke hoʻohanaʻia no ka nānāʻana o ke ana i ka hoʻolālā o kaʻoihana. Nā hanaʻenehana: 1.ʻO ka hana kūpono loa e hana ana: 5mppa ... -
ʻO nāʻeke curing no ka poloka paʻa
Hiki i nā'ōkuhi hōʻai'ē kālā no ka pākeke hōʻike SCHORD SCHORD SCHORD SCHORS CLOCK CHARDER, E KOLOHE ANA I KA LOHE ANA. -
ʻO ka Air Attaintan mika
Product Description Air Entrainment Meter HC-7L Concrete Mixture Air Content TesterThe concrete mixture gas content tester is suitable for measuring the gas content of the concrete mixture with aggregate particle size no greater than 40mm, gas content no greater than 10%, and slump, which conforms to the Ministry of Communications 94-07-06 "Highway All the prescribed methods of Engineering Cement Hoʻonohonohoʻia nā hōʻike hōʻike hōʻikeʻike me GBJ80-85 maʻamau. Max Kena: 7l 1.s ... -
ʻO ka lumi kaukaukau mau ka lumi o ka lumi a me nā'ōnaehana hoʻomalu
Product Description Curing Room Constant Temperature And Humidity Automatic Control System This equipment is suitable for standard maintenance of cement and concrete specimens in buildings, highways, scientific research, quality inspection and construction sites. It has the advantages of convenient operation, automatic temperature and humidity control digital display, large negative ion humidification, and stainless steel water tank heating. 【'ĀLOHE KOA MUNALY】 -
SyE-300 electrol-hydraulic hoʻokūkū hoʻokūkū
Product Description Product introduction SYE-300 electro-hydraulic pressure testing machine is driven by hydraulic power source, and adopts intelligent measurement and control instrument to collect and process test data. Aia ia he mea hōʻike hōʻikeʻike, Office kumu (hydraulic mana mana The maximum test force is 300kN, and the accuracy level of the testing machine is better than level 1. SYE-300 electro-hydraulic pressure testing m... -
ʻO ka papa inoaʻo 200Ton manual
Product Description Concrete Block Compressive Strength Testing Machine Product introduction SYE-2000D electro-hydraulic pressure testing machine is driven by hydraulic power source, and adopts intelligent measurement and control instrument to collect and process test data. Aia ia he mea hōʻike hōʻikeʻike, Office kumu (hydraulic mana mana ,ʻo ka ikaika hōʻike kiʻekiʻe loa he 2000kn, aʻo ka pae kūpono o ka mīkini ho'āʻo eʻoi aku ka maikaʻi o ... -
Love wantwork lime love
Product Description FCAO-II Automatic free calcium oxide tester Free calcium oxide (fCaO) is an important indicator to measure the quality of clinker. ʻO ka hana kūpono / RAPID e hoʻoholo ana i ka FCAO ma Clinker ka mea nui loa no ka mana o ka cement. This instrument uses the conductivity analysis method to determine the CaO content, which reduces the previous man-made titration errors and improves the accuracy of the measurement. Ke kaʻina o ke anaʻana i nāʻike FCAO e lawe i ... -
Nā Kūlana Hoʻolaha & Flexural
Product Description Cement Compression & Flexural Testing Machines Cement Compression and Flexural Machine with Dual Testing The wide range of machines for testing cements and mortars that we offer allows us to meet multiple needs. The different types of frames are specifically designed for specific uses: All the frames are equipped with a safety device that interrupts the test after breaking the specimen to prevent the accessories used during the tests from being damaged. ... -
Train LIme Inoa
ʻO ka weheweheʻana i ka huahana FREE REPENTORY CA-5 CEMENT FREE Calcium Ox Ency ency ency mea nui a me ka'ōnaehanaʻo Calliker o Cement Clement. Hoʻohanaʻo ka mea kani i keʻano o keʻano o ke kumu waena o Benzoitic Activac ma lalo o keʻano o keʻano o keʻano o keʻano o keʻano o ka calde. Hiki ke hoʻohanaʻia ma ka mana o ka mana o ka cement plass, stiredits mea kūkulu, scivini ...